/BCO-DMO/CMORE/bigrapa/stations --event_type eq TM_surface-- Level 1

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#   BiG RAPA cruise events and cast info
#   Chief Scientist: Dan Repeta (WHOI)
#   Information taken  into BCOship's event l
#   Date ingested into BCO-DMO: A into BCO-DMO: April 21 2011
event       event_type                  sta         cast        date        time        lat         lon         depth_w     DCM         
47          TM_surface                  2           nd          20101125    1132        -21.1776    -76.5722    nd          nd          
bot         depth        
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event       event_type                  sta         cast        date        time        lat         lon         depth_w     DCM         
57          TM_surface                  3           nd          20101127    1210        -22.2606    -82.3480    nd          nd          
bot         depth        
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event       event_type                  sta         cast        date        time        lat         lon         depth_w     DCM         
68          TM_surface                  4           nd          20101129    1212        -23.4584    -88.7682    nd          nd          
bot         depth        
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event       event_type                  sta         cast        date        time        lat         lon         depth_w     DCM         
114         TM_surface                  5           nd          20101204    1012        -24.5603    -94.7248    nd          nd          
bot         depth        
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event       event_type                  sta         cast        date        time        lat         lon         depth_w     DCM         
124         TM_surface                  6           nd          20101206    1006        -25.5512    -100.1356   nd          nd          
bot         depth        
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event       event_type                  sta         cast        date        time        lat         lon         depth_w     DCM         
134         TM_surface                  7           nd          20101207    2333        -26.2483    -103.9607   nd          nd          
bot         depth        
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